Configure a CDN

Configuring a Content Delivery Network (CDN), such as Cloudflare, protects and accelerates your Workload running at Control Plane.

The configuration of various CDN providers is similar in concept. In this guide, you will find the steps on how to configure a CDN with Cloudflare and Amazon CloudFront.

Cloudflare Configuration Steps


  • Review the Configure a Domain guide.
  • An account at Cloudflare.
  • Your Domain's DNS is hosted at Cloudflare.
  • Your Workload is configured and in a Ready state.

Step One - Domain Set Up and Certificate Generation at Cloudflare

From the Cloudflare UI, perform the following:

Domain Set Up

  • From the DNS management page for your domain, add a new CNAME record.
    • For the Name field, enter the desired target subdomain.
    • For the Target field, enter the Canonical Endpoint URL from the Workload's Info page.
    • Toggle on the Proxied switch.

Certificate Generation Set Up

  • From the SSL/TLS page, select the Full (strict) radio box.
  • Click on the Origin Server submenu link.
    • Create a new origin certificate for your domain with the following settings. This certificate will be added as a TLS Secret at Control Plane.
      • Select Generate private key and CSR with Cloudflare.
      • Select the Private key type: RSA (2048).
      • The default list of hostnames shouldn't have to be changed and will contain the *.DOMAIN and DOMAIN hostnames.
      • Choose a long Certificate Validity such as 15 years.
      • NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure the certificate mapped to your domain at Control Plane is valid.
      • Click Create. The next page will display the certificate and private key. You may save these as separate text files or leave the page open and copy/paste the values when creating the TLS Secret at Control Plane in the next step.

Step Two - Certificate Set Up at Control Plane

  • Using the certificate and private key from the previous step, create a new TLS Secret at Control Plane by performing the following:
    • Click Secrets from the left side menu.
    • Click the New button at the top.
    • Enter a Name for the secret and select the secret type TLS.
    • Either upload or paste the respective certificate and private key file in the proper textbox. The TLS Chain can be left empty since this certificate is self-signed.
    • Click Create. This secret will be used when configuring your domain in the next step.

Step Three - Domain Set Up at Control Plane

Follow the steps below to configure your Domain at Control Plane.

Note: If a subdomain is being configured, the APEX domain will need to be verified.

  • Click Domains from the left side menu.
  • Click the New button at the top.
  • Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your Domain.
  • Click Next (Spec).
  • Select CNAME for the DNS Mode.
  • Select and configure the desired Routing Mode.
  • Toggle on the Configure TLS switch.
  • Toggle on the Use Custom Server Certificate and select the TLS Secret created in the step above.
  • Click Next (DNS).
  • This page will display any DNS records that are required to be added for your domain. After adding the records, it will take a few minutes to propagate. Click the checkbox and click Create.

After following the steps above, it will take a few minutes for the updates to propagate throughout the Internet.

Once fully configured, your Workload will be accessible, via the CDN, using the subdomain configured in the first step.

Amazon CloudFront Configuration Steps


  • An AWS account.
  • Access to edit DNS setting for your Domain.
  • Your Workload is configured and in a Ready state.

Step One - Request a public certificate

Request a public certificate with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) in N. Virginia region using the setting below.

  1. A public TLS certificate is required for your domain. Use the following settings:
    • Domain Names: or *
    • Validation Method: DNS Validation
    • Key Algorithm: RSA 2048

The certificate must be in the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1).

  1. Access the newly created certificate on the ACM. Validate the certificate by creating the records in your DNS service as described.


Step Two - Create CloudFront distribution

  1. Go to CloudFront distributions page and click on Create Distribution

  2. Configure the Origin Domain to the public endpoint of your workload. Use one of the following methods, depending on whether you are using a BYOK location or a managed locations (standard):

    • For managed locations (standard) only: Use the Canonical Endpoint URL from the Workload's Info page as Origin Domain, formatted as follows:


    • For BYOK locations only: Locate the public endpoint on your Workload's Deployments page. Use this address as the Origin Domain value in CloudFront, formatted as follows:


  3. Edit the Alternate domain name for your domain. In the format:
    Then select the Custom SSL certificate created in Step one from the list. Image

  4. You must select Cache policy and complete the rest of the configuration as needed.

  5. Click on Create distribution and wait for a few minutes to changes to apply.

    By now, you should have CloudFront distribution ready. Image

Step Three - Configure DNS

Create a CNAME record in your DNS service (such as Route53), that will match the Alternate domain name in CloudFront distribution created in Step two:

  • Type: CNAME
  • Name: nginx3
  • Data:

Step Four - Configuring Firewall to restrict access via CloudFront

  • In order to ensure that it's not possible to directly access the workload's endpoint without going through the CloudFront CDN first, configure the firewall settings for the workload to allow ingress for CloudFront list of ip ranges.
    You can refer to this example workload YAML file and copy the CIDR range directly from this manifest.

  • BYOK Only: If you have created inbound rules on the Security Group of the Load Balancers, either directly or using the Actuator configuration INGRESS_FIREWALL_CIDR_LIST, you will need to update the Security Group configuration with CloudFront CIDR list range to enable CloudFront access to the workloads.
    Important: To support this setting, ensure that your quota for Inbound or outbound rules per security group under Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) values for at least 530 rules. Visit Service Quotas in the AWS console for your region to request a quota increase if necessary.

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