

A group is a membership collection that can contain users and service accounts. It is one of the principal types of an org.

Membership in a group for a user account can be assigned directly or dynamically using a query based on a tag (key/value pair) that has been labeled on a user.

Membership in a group for a service account can only be assigned directly.

Groups can be used by policies to grant access permissions to the group members.

Create a Group

Refer to the Create a Group guide for additional details.

Built-in Groups

Each org has the following built-in groups:

Group NameDescription
superusersBuilt-in group for all administrators of the organization
viewersBuilt-in group for read-only access

Group Notes

Groups can contain an unlimited amount of users or service accounts.

Group membership can be assigned directly or dynamically (using a query based on any tags that are labeled on a user). Service Accounts can only be assigned directly.

For example, a query can be created to dynamically assign all the users that log in using by using the built-in tag key firebase/sign_in_provider Equals

Query Rules

To dynamically assign users to a group, a query can be defined which consists of the following:

  • One or more tags (key/value pairs) using one of the operators: Equals / Exists / Not Exists
  • One of the following query filters:
    • All: All tag items should match
    • Any: Any of the tags should match
    • None: None of these tags should match


The permissions below are used to define policies together with one or more of the four principal types:

createCreate new groups
deleteDelete a group
editModify existing groupsview
manageFull accesscreate, delete, edit, manage, view
viewRead-only view

Access Report

Displays the permissions granted to principals for the group.


To view the CLI documentation for groups, click here.


To view the schema documentation for groups, click here.

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