

The logs UI displays the logs for your running workloads. No matter which combination of cloud providers or regions your workload is running at, the logs will be aggregated and displayed as if they were running at one provider/region.

Filters can be applied to pinpoint any issues that might be occurring at a specific workload.

The Grafana explorer is available to query and visualize your log data.

Sample Log UI

Below is a sample of the Log UI after executing a query:

Log UI


The Control Plane logs use the LogQL query language to query your log data.

The documentation for LogQL is available here.

The available labels that can be used to create a query are:

  • container
  • gvc
  • location
  • replica
  • stream
  • workload

Log Filters

The results of a query can be filtered by the following:

  • Location
  • Container
  • Start date and optional end date
    • The date/time selector includes helper buttons ranging from the Last 5 minutes to the Last 30 days
    • Date Selector

Selecting a location or container will automatically add the value to the LogQL query.

Live Logs

The results of the given query can be streamed in real-time using the Live button.

After entering the desired query, click the Live button`.

To end the live streaming, click the Stop button.


Clicking on the Explore on Grafana link will launch the Grafana UI in a new tab. When clicking the button from a specific workload, the query will be prefilled with the GVC and workload.

Grafana gives you the ability to "Explore your data through ad-hoc queries and dynamic drill-down. Split view and compare different time ranges, queries, and data sources side by side."

View the documentation for Grafana here.

Below is a sample of the Grafana UI after executing a query:

Log UI

Example LogQL Queries

{gvc="GVC_NAME", workload="WORKLOAD_NAME"}
  • View the logs for a GVC, workload, location, and container
{gvc="GVC_NAME", workload="WORKLOAD_NAME", location="aws-eu-central-1", container="CONTAINER_NAME"}

Log Retention Policy

The log retention period for logs stored at Control Plane is 30 days by default and can be adjusted for each Org.

Click here to learn how to configure log shipping to an external provider.


To view the CLI documentation for logs, click here.

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