Invite Users


New users can be invited to join the current org and optionally added to a group.

Invite using the UI Console

  1. Click Users in the left menu and then click the Invite tab at the top.
  2. Enter an email address and select a group to assign the user to.
  3. Click Add to Invitation List.
  4. If an email address was entered by mistake, it can be removed by clicking the Remove link.
  5. After entering all the users to invite, click Confirm Invitations. The users will be emailed an onboarding link to join your org.

The invited users will be placed in the Pending Invites table. If an invite was sent by mistake, you can delete the invite by clicking the Delete link.

Invite using the CLI

Refer to the user invite command for details and examples on how to invite a user using the CLI.

Upload Users

A list of users to invite can be uploaded using the console.

A .csv file in the following format is required: USER_EMAIL,GROUP_TO_ASSIGN




  1. Click Users in the left menu and then click the Invite tab at the top
  2. Click the Upload from CSV button and select the file containing the list of users to invite.
  3. Click Confirm Invitations. The users will be emailed an onboarding link to join your org.

The invited users will be placed in the Pending Invites table. If an invite was sent by mistake, you can delete the invite by clicking the Delete link.

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